Community Directory

The Town of Erin Community Directory is free and contains information on the community services within the Town of Erin. Let's show the world what the Town of Erin has to offer!

82 items were found.

Hillsburgh Ladies' Hockey League

non - contact hockey - six teams playing Monday evenings from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the Hillsburgh Community Centre

Hillsburgh Snow Roamers Inc.

Erin's OFSC Trail System Snowmobile Club - since 1973 Our Mission To provide safe, smooth trails for the members of our club and members of the O.F.S.C. We also hope to generate friendship and camaraderie amongst our members. Club Profile The H.S.R is a non profit organization with an executive that makes decisions for the club. The executive is elected on a yearly basis. The club has 98 km of trail connected to the Fergus Elora Belwood Club to the North West and the Orangeville Club to the North East. We are a member of the O.F.S.C. and the Hillsburgh Snow Roamers are responsible for establishing the B202 trail. We operate and manage a portion of the Elora Cataract Trailway during the winter season. We have been told we have some of the best trails in the area. Please note speed limit on trail B202 is 30KPH. This is a multi-user trail. All other users have right of way over snowmobilers. When approaching pedestrians/skiers slow down! Make sure they are aware of your presence. Sometimes environmental conditions or the buzz from the hydro corridor will overpower the sound from your engine. When approaching persons on horseback come to a complete stop and wait to be signaled to pass. Please respect posted Quiet Zones. If the preceding requests are not met we may lose the use of the trail. Thank you .... happy snowmobiling!

Khel Centre for Creativity & Inner Peace

Khel Centre for Creativity & Inner Peace is a Creative and Meditative Arts Centre located in Erin, Ontario. Here you will get a chance to do all sorts of things that are good for your heart and soul. Come take art classes, walk in nature, meditate, do yoga, sit by the fire, and participate in day workshops with guest lecturers, international art instructors and even learn how to cook indian food!. You'll love being here. For more information check out

Knox Presbyterian Church - Ospringe

We are a church with deep roots in the community, something that inspires our outreach and shapes our atmosphere. We value family, and love the way traditions can create a sense of belonging and can help us celebrate our faith. We understand that faith is strengthened by church community, and we are dedicated to our own growth, so that we might better serve.

Main Place Optimist Club

Main Place Optimists of Erin is an organization dedicated to continuing the dream of its founder the late Patrick Suessmuth by providing basketball and ongoing recreational youth programs in the Town of Erin. We have created an enthusiastic team and are continuing to develop a financial and organizational plan to ensure his dream is viable and sustainable.

MEADOWVIEW PLACE - 15 Spruce St. Hillsburgh

Meadowview Place - Seniors Building with one and two bedroom units, wheelchair accessible, laundry facility, large common room with small kitchen. Must be 65 years of age to be eligible. Township of Erin Non-profit Housing Corporation. Please call and leave a message for information.