Fire & Emergency Services


There are two fire stations within the Town of Erin. Station #10 located at the north end of the Village of Erin and Station #50 located in the Village of Hillsburgh. These two stations along with the assistance of the Rockwood and Halton Hills Fire Department provide fire and emergency services to the Town of Erin as well as a portion of the Township of East Garafraxa, just to the north of us. Emergency calls are dispatched from the Guelph Department through the 911 emergency network.

Dedicated and highly trained volunteers provide fire and emergency services to the Town of Erin, whether the emergency is a fire, a motor vehicle collision, a C0 call, a medical emergency or any other type of emergency situation. Our fire department provides a quick response to any emergency situation.

A vehicle with a green flashing light is a Volunteer Firefighter responding to an emergency call. Please move over to the right of the road to let the vehicle with the green flashing light past.

Reducing the Risk of Fire on Your Farm - The Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs Publication 837


For all emergencies please call "911".

For non-emergencies please contact the Guelph Fire Dept. non-emergency number at 519-824-3232. They can assist you with your concerns and if your situation is determined to be an emergency, they will dispatch emergency crews.

Contact Us: 

Director of Fire & Emergency Services & Interim Fire Chief: Scott Bates
519.855.4407 EXT. 243