Welcome to Erin!
Are you a new resident in town?
Here is a quick guide to links and resources to help you get settled.
How to pay your tax bill:
The Town of Erin offers several different options and plans for paying property taxes.
Payment options
- Cheque – mailed or in secure drop box at front door of office
- Bank - at the bank teller
- Online – through your online banking. Search "Erin (Town of ) - Taxes".
- Your account number is your 19-digit Assessment Roll Number.
- No spaces, dashes or periods.
- Credit Card – over the phone (2 per cent fee if over $200.00)
We also offer pre-authorized payment plans for monthly instalments and arrears. Email taxes@erin.ca for more information.
Click here for a copy of the pre-authorized payment form.
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for your property assessment and classification.
If your home is newly built, an MPAC property inspector will be notified through the permit process. Once occupied, MPAC sends a Property Assessment Change Notice.
In Ontario, you must choose which school board you want your property taxes to support, which here is Erin is the Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) or the Wellington Catholic District School Board (WCDSB).
To choose, go to www.mpac.ca. For other property assessment inquiries, you can also call 1-866-296-MPAC (6722).
Water bills
The Town of Erin send out water bills quarterly, one month after each water reading.
For newly built homes, residents are asked to fill out a Change of Occupancy Form and send it to water@erin.ca. Tenants of rental units assuming water bills must fill out a New Water Utility Tenant Application, with landlord approval.
Pre-authorized payments can also be arranged by filling out a form, attaching a void cheque and submitting it to water@erin.ca.
Garbage collection
The County of Wellington oversees garbage collection in Erin and other member municipalities. Recycling and organics are collected every week and garbage is picked up every other.
Collection day in Erin is on Thursdays.
For more information on holidays, yard waste and to see Wellington County's complete collection schedule.
Does your property include conservation lands?
The Ontario Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program offers property tax exemptions for provincially significant lands, Niagara Escarpment Natural Areas, habitats of endangered species, Community Conservation Lands and provincially significant wetlands.
The Ministry of Natural Resources mails applications to registered owners each spring. To learn more, go to Ontario.ca
Do you own a farm property?
Properties assessed as farmland by MPAC can be eligible for Ontario’s Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program, or Farm Tax Program.
Eligible properties are to be taxed at no more than 25 per cent of the residential property tax rate. Applications are sent to property owners by Agricorp, who assess the eligibility of the land. For more information, go to the Agricorp website.
Do you have a forest on your property?
Ontario’s Ministry of Environment and Energy offers a Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program for owners of lands classified as managed forests.
These lands are taxed at 25 per cent of the municipality’s residential property tax rate.
To qualify, applicants must hire a Managed Forest Plan Approver to prepare a plan on how the lands will be cared for over the coming decade, who will then submit it to the Ministry.
Visit their website for more information on what lands qualify.