Commissioner of Oaths

The Town of Erin offers Commissioning services by appointment during regular business hours. 

The Town's Commissioners for taking affidavits (sometimes referred to as commissioners of oaths) take affidavits or declarations by asking you to swear or affirm that what is in a document is true.

In Ontario, they’re governed under the Commissioners for taking Affidavits Act.

notary public has all the powers of a commissioner for taking affidavits and, can verify that signatures, marks and copies of documents are true or genuine. Notaries are governed under the Notaries Act. Every lawyer and paralegal in Ontario is also automatically a commissioner for taking affidavits. If you require the services of a notary public, you are advised to contact a lawyer or paralegal in Ontario. 

  • Fees
    Commissioning fees are $25 per document (pension documents are exempt).
  • Requirements
    To book your appointment please e-mail or call 519-855-4407.

    At our office you must:
    • present your completed document
    • present one piece of original and valid government-issued identification showing your name and signature (photocopies, scanned copies and pictures on electronic devices will not be accepted)
    • additional identification pertaining to other individuals included in the affidavit
    • sign the affidavit section of the document in the presence of the Commissioner

    Identification presented to have a document commissioned must be original despite what may be a requirement of the document being commissioned.

The types of documents we can commission include but are not limited to the following:

Provincial Registrations 
  • changes to birth registrations and delayed registrations
  • corrections to registrations
  • change of name
  • change of sex designation
  • vehicle transfers
Travel and Immigration 
  • consent to travel with child document
  • Statutory Declaration In Lieu of Guarantor – for Canadian Passport
  • invitation letters for a visitor’s visa
Provincial Affidavits 
  • lost identification
  • waiving of vaccinations
  • Statement Of Common Law Status/Supporting Children – Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
Alive and Well Letters 
  • letters to prove you are alive and well. Please provide Identification and proof of tenancy
Town of Erin Business
  • Planning applications 
Pension Documents
  • pension purpose attestations of recipient being alive and confirming their residency
Legal and Court Documents (Related to Civil Issues)
  • declaration of claimant and indemnity
  • declaration for replacement of shares
  • powers of attorney
  • estate settlement and real estate (including rental lease agreements)
  • transfers of money or estates of a dead person
  • wills, living wills, codicil to a will
Domestic/Family Documents
  • custody documents
  • divorce, separation, marriage, or cohabitation documents
  • Family Responsibility Office Forms (Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services)
Identification Documents
  • international educational institution or association documents (including photographs)
  • age of majority/Ontario photo identification applications
Additional Considerations
  • documents requiring the signature of a guarantor or a Notary Public
  • incomplete documents