Tax deadlines
Interim Tax Deadlines: March 31 and May 30, 2025
Final Tax Deadlines: Sept. 27 and Nov. 29, 2025 (mailed out in August)
Supplementary Tax Billing can be done at any time during the year. A supplementary tax bill may be issued when there is an increase in the value of your property. The increase may be a result of a newly constructed home, an addition to the house, the construction of a swimming pool, construction of a new building or a change in the class of a property. This change can be backdated to the date of the change to a maximum of (3) years.
Supplementary taxes are in addition to any other billing you may receive in the year. You will be notified by MPAC of the value of assessment and the effective date before you receive a supplementary bill from the Town. There is no exact time frame associated with this process. The Town issues a supplementary tax bill 90 days after the resident is notified of the change in assessment by MPAC.
Important information for property owners
- New Property Owners
- Tax Bill Delivery Option - Go Paperless
- Address/Ownership Changes
- Penalty and Interest Charges
- 2024 Tax Rate
- 2021 County of Wellington Final Tax brochure
- 2021 Tax Relief By-Law
- 2023 Tax Relief Application
- Consideration for Reduction of taxes due to special condition
- 2020 Property Assessment Notice Mailing Schedule
- Pre-Authorized Payment Info Sheet and Form
- How does your property assessment impact your property taxes?
How to Pay Your Taxes
Penalty and Interest Charges
If taxes are not paid on the due date(s), a penalty of 1.25% will be charged on the first day of each calendar month until paid. Interest of 1.25% per month or 15% per annum is charged on all arrears of taxes as of January 1. Neither the Treasurer nor the Tax Department staff have the authority to waive the penalty charges. Tax payments are applied to the penalty/interest charges owing and then to the taxes starting with the oldest year.
Tax Certificates are available for $50.00. Please make cheques payable to "The Town of Erin".
New Property Owners
Properties having homes built in the last three (3) years may still be assessed for the land portion only. (i.e. MPAC may not have had the opportunity to assess and add the value of the house, and any other building, to the assessment roll). Ultimately, MPAC will add the assessment relating to the building(s) to the property assessment and the Town will then issue a supplementary property tax bill. Property owners are cautioned they are responsible for any outstanding property taxes related to the un-assessed building back to the original date of occupancy. Landowners finding themselves in this position are strongly urged to make provisions for the payment of the outstanding taxes. The Tax Office can:
- Advise you if your assessment only covers the land portion of your property
- Estimate the full taxes for your property (land and buildings) so that you can budget accordingly.
Prefer email delivery of your tax bills? Fill out this form and return it to our Tax Department
Address/Ownership Changes
If your mailing address has changed or the ownership of the property has changed, please notify the Tax Office in writing or email to The Post office is returning misaddressed mail.
When you receive your assessment notice in November, you have an opportunity to contact Municipal Property Assessment Corporation if you feel that the information is incorrect.
Toll Free: 1-866-296-MPAC (6722)
Fax: 1-866-297-6703 or
Or write to:
Municipal Assessment Corporation
P. O. Box 9808
Toronto, ON M1S 5T9
You can complete a "Request for Reconsideration" to have your assessment reviewed. These forms are available online at