The Clerk’s Office is the information centre for the Town of Erin. This department provides support to Council, coordinates the agendas and prepares the meeting minutes. This department also provides a wide variety of information for the public as well as other municipal departments.
If your child was born in Ontario, you will need to register your child's birth to obtain a birth certificate. You can register the birth and apply for a birth certificate at the same time through the Newborn Registration Service available on the ServiceOntario website.
For a death that has occurred in Ontario, you can apply online for a death certificate through ServiceOntario. This website will allow you to complete the death certificate and you will have the option of submitting it online or printing a hard copy for mailing.
In the municipal sector, access and privacy are governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act. This legislation provided that an individual has a right to access certain information kept by a municipality, that a municipality must protect the personal and proprietary information in its custody. Anyone may request information from the Town of Erin. The Town will make every effort to provide information without the need to make a formal request under MFIPPA. However, when an individual requests information about another person, or the information contains details regarding a third party a formal request is necessary. To make a request, please click here.
The Town of Erin can assist you with documents that require signing in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths. For more information, please click here.
Contact Us:
Director of Legislative Services & Clerk: Nina Lecic
519.855.4407 ext. 248