Community Directory

The Town of Erin Community Directory is free and contains information on the community services within the Town of Erin. Let's show the world what the Town of Erin has to offer!

82 items were found.

The Erin Arts Foundation

A volunteer organization sponsoring professional live theatre throughout the summer and fall, and amateur theatre in the winter and spring.

The Optimist Club of Erin Inc.

Involved with Youth Programs, the D.A.R.E. program, Youth Sports, Community Acitivity support, Blood donor Clinics, Terry Fox Fun. New members always welcome. email - For more information email -


The Snerds offer free computer help to seniors in Erin & Hillsburgh. For more information contact Sherri Plourde.

The Special Friends Club

A recreational program for developmentally challenged individuals which takes place on Saturdays as well as a 6 week summer camp. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Main Street, Hillsburgh

Upper Credit Humane Society

Not-for-profit charity. Mission is to: - protect animals in need by offering food, water, shelter, and medical attention - find suitable homes for unwanted or unclaimed anilmals - promote the humane treatment of all animals - return native wildlife to its natural habitat, when possible - prevent cruelty to animals, birds and fish by assisting in the enforcement of animal protection laws Animal Control Officer - pager # 519-943-5288 to pick up stray animals

Wellington & Guelph Housing Authority

Shamrock Court, 22 Church Street, Erin Centre Street Court, 14 Centre Street, Erin

Erin Residents’ Association

Erin Residents’ Association (ERA) connects and encourages a safe, friendly community that clearly communicates with resident members, local businesses, community groups, the Town of Erin, Wellington County, Hydro One and the Ontario Provincial Police. We are volunteer run and community needs driven.