County Of Wellington Weed Control Act

Date: Jun 06, 2001

To whom it may concern:

In response to several requests for clarification on roadside weeds, we are forwarding the following:

The Weed Control Act is very clear as to the responsibility of a municipalityto control noxious weeds. Section 3 states "Every person in possession of land shall destroy all noxious weeds on it". Then Section 5 states "For the purposes of Section 3, every road authority within the meaning of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act shall be deemed to be the person in possession of the land under its jurisdiction" -, which includes a municipality.

Thus it is the statutory responsibility of the municipality to destroy all noxious weeds on roadsides under its control.

The municipality, however, may recognize "No Spray" signs if no noxious weeds are present.


John Benham
Weed Inspector & Tree Conservation Officer for the County of Wellington

James Richardson
Weed Inspector & Tree Conservation Officer for the County of Wellington