
1651 items were found that matched '1'.

23-03-20 TEHC Meeting Minutes (Approved 23-05-11).pdf

Town of Erin Heritage Committee (TEHC) Minutes of the March 20, 2023 Meeting 7:05PM Town Hall – Root Room Present: Jack Krubnik, Margaret Barnstaple, Jamie Cheyne, Phil Gravelle, Frank Huarte, Alex Keller, Erin Montgomery, Chris Tynan and Bob Wilson. Guest Rebecca Sciarra by Zoom.…

Construction notice - Erin Village Gravity Sewer - July 10, 2023.pdf

Construction Notice Page 1 of 2 July 7, 2023 ERIN VILLAGE GRAVITY SEWER Contract: 2022-04W Starting on July 10 th , construction of the sanitary gravity sewer construction along Main Street in Erin Village will commence. The construction work will extend along Main Street between the Elor…

Construction notice - Erin Village Gravity Sewer - July 10, 2023.pdf (1)

Construction Notice Page 1 of 2 July 7, 2023 ERIN VILLAGE GRAVITY SEWER Contract: 2022-04W Starting on July 10 th , construction of the sanitary gravity sewer construction along Main Street in Erin Village will commence. The construction work will extend along Main Street between the Elor…

EEDC Committee Meeting - Town of Erin - 20230418 - MINUTES.pdf

Erin Economic Development Committee (EEDC) Minutes of the Tuesday April 18 th , 2023 Meeting, 6:30pm Town of Erin – Conference Room Present: Jessica Bailey (Chair), Jackie Robinson (Co-Chair), Chris Bailey (Secretary), Alex Keller, Ashley Travassos Moniz, Christian Piche, David Spencer, Counci…

23-05-09 EEDC (Approved 23-08-17).pdf

Erin Economic Development Committee (EEDC) Minutes of the Tuesday May 9 th , 2023 Meeting, 6:30pm Town of Erin – Conference Room Present: Jessica Bailey (Chair), Jackie Robinson (Co-Chair), Chris Bailey (Secretary), Christian Piche, Sarah Prevette, David Spencer, Councillor Cathy Aylard Regr…

Parks and Rec - FA 2 permanent PT.pdf

1 Town of Erin Facility Attendant 2 _________________________________________________________________________________ Business Unit: Parks & Recreation Position Title: Facility Attendant 2 (Permanent Part Time) Reports To: The Parks and Recreation Officer THE OP…

Z23-01 - Notice of Passing.docx.pdf

NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT By-law # 23-32 By the Corporation of the Town of Erin File: Z23-01 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Erin passed By-law No. 23-32 on the 17th day of August, 2023, under Section 34 of The Planning Act 1990, R.S.…

Z23-01 - Notice of Passing.docx.pdf (1)

NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT By-law # 23-32 By the Corporation of the Town of Erin File: Z23-01 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Erin passed By-law No. 23-32 on the 17th day of August, 2023, under Section 34 of The Planning Act 1990, R.S.…

Z23-04 - Notice of Passing.docx.pdf

NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT By-law # 23-33 By the Corporation of the Town of Erin File: Z23-04 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Erin passed By-law No. 23-33 on the 17th day of August, 2023, under Section 34 of The Planning Act 1990, R.…

Z23-01 - Notice of Passing.pdf

NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT By-law # 23-32 By the Corporation of the Town of Erin File: Z23-01 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Erin passed By-law No. 23-32 on the 17th day of August, 2023, under Section 34 of The Planning Act 1990, R.S.…