1651 items were found that matched '1'.
Project Location: 5525 Eighth Line, Erin ON October 5, 2023 Submission Municipal File Number: CVC Number: City Planner: Email: Tanjot.bal@erin.ca Phone: 519-855-4407 Ext 242 Agency RESPONSE The following comments are provided by the Wellington Source Water Protection, dated July 28, 2022. Commen…
Horse & Country | 3 Table of Contents 3 Welcome Message 5 Erin’s Local Farm and Feed Store 6 An Inspired Horse Business 9 Wellington County Livestock Emergency Response 10 The Ideal Training Centre 12 Town of Erin Map 13 Equine Directory 16 The Beaverwood Brunners 18 Angelstone Tournaments 20 Qu…
-r, Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting February 2,2016 1:00 pm Municipal Gouncil Chamber John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan SENT: AIlan Alls TAFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Sharon Marshall Larry Wheeler Sara McDougall Joe Babin Dave Knight Garol House Acting…
Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting April 21,2015 7:30 PM Municipal Council Chamber PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Allan AIls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Sharon Marshall Larry Van Wyck Andrew Hartholt Bob Cheetham Mayor Councillor Gouncillor…
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN ByJaw Number 16-38 Being a By-law to amend the Site Plan Control By-law 0l-32 to include the Site Plan Control Agreement as Appendix A pursuant to Section 4 I of the Planning Act as amended, the Council of a Municipality approved an Offrcial Plan which designates…
February 20, 2016 Public Budget Meeting Questions and Responses Admin - Create new I.T. Position $ 78,801.00 - A decision was obviously made to hire a fulltime employee, did Council consider the suggestion in the Operational Review? The Operational Review suggestion was to hire an IT person…
Town of Erin E N G I N E E R I N G D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S M A N U A L Document Control File: Prepared by: Prepared for: 320859 Tatham Engineering Limited Town of Erin Date: 10 Diana Drive, Building 8, Unit 7 Orillia, Ontario L3V 8K8 5684 Trafalgar Roa…
Ontario Connects-Bringing High-Speed Internet to Every Community.pdf
CONFIDENTIAL Ministry of Infrastructure January 2022 Ontario Connects: Bringing High-Speed Internet to Every Community 2 • It is estimated that up to 700,000 households and businesses in Ontario do not have access to minimum service levels of high-speed internet (50/10 Megabits per second or Mbps)…
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN By-Law #22- 11 Being a By-law to enact an "Election Signs" By-law, and to repeal By-law 18'14 Whereas, subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25, as amended, provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law; Whereas subsection 8(3) o…
Page | 1 DESIGN RATIONALE FOR AN ADDITION AND RENOVATION TO THE EXISTING MCMURCHY HERITAGE HOME Location: 5916 Trafalgar Road, Town of Erin, Part of Lot 26, Concession 7 Former Township of Erin, Wellington County, Ontario For: Hi…