1651 items were found that matched '1'.
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN BY-LAW NO. _____ By-law Number XXXX-XX amends the Town of Erin Zoning By-law 07-67 by rezoning the lands legally described as Part of Lots 16 & 17, Concession 8, from the current “Future Development (FD) Zone” to “Residential (R-AAA)”, “Residential (R4-BB…
SCHEDULE B GENERAL GOVERNMENT Energy and water conservation projects per Energy Audit 3 22,000 22,000 Electronic Data Records Management System 1 80,000 80,000 Server hardware replacement 1 30,000 30,000 - Parking lot paving and other repairs and maintenance at Townhall2 - 33,100 33,100 73,000 U…
SCHEDULE B GENERAL GOVERNMENT Energy and water conservation projects per Energy Audit 3 22,000 22,000 Electronic Data Records Management System 1 80,000 80,000 Server hardware replacement 1 30,000 30,000 - Parking lot paving and other repairs and maintenance at Townhall2 - 33,100 33,100 73,000 U…
N52°33'15"W 90.376 N38°13'05"E 442.407 N38°12'55"E 429.754 N44°35'05"W 91.059 W E L L I N G T O N C O U N T Y R O A D 1 2 5 PART OF LOT 13 CONCESSION 3 PIN 71165-0055 PIN 71165-0056 PIN 71165-0053 PIN 71165-0054 147560 232637 4110 ROAD ALLOWANCE 55461 PROPOSED 1 2 REQUIRED MIN. LOT AREA MIN. L…
By - l a w N u m b e r - 2023 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN BY-LAW N u m b e r - 2023 To amend By-law 07-67, as amended WHEREAS The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Erin, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.…
Town of Erin Corporate Report Department: Business Unit: Presented/ Prepared By: Corporate Services Finance Wendy Parr, Director of Finance & Treasurer Report Number: F2022-17 Meeting Date: 11/24/2022 Subject 1 st Draft 2023 Budget and 2024 –…
APPENDIX D ASSIMILATIVE CAPACITY STUDY ! " #$# #!%# !'& " ( )*+** !$ * " ,)!-+. " %+)#/0120 "2 (" 3/ 0120 "2"" 4445) #* &) 6 *) *!)-*)# 7…
', Ontario@ Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Candidate - Form 4 Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Section 88.25) lnstructions All candidates must complete Boxes A and B. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses must complete Boxes C, D, S…
ontario@ Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Gandidate - Form 4 Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Section 88.25) lnstructions All candidates must complete Boxes A and B. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses must complete Boxes C, D, Sche…
TOWN OF ERIN Special Council Meeting AGENDA March 24, 2015 9:00 AM Municipal Council Chamber Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3. Closed Session Matters under the following exemptions in the Municipal Act S. 239 (2) : (b) personal matters about an identifiable individu…