1651 items were found that matched '1'.
528 Bathurst Street Toronto, ONTARIO M5S 2P9 T 416-966-1069 F 416-966-9723 ASIheritage.ca ASI Archaeological & Cultural He ri t a ge S e r v ices HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT HILLSBURGH DAM AND POND LOTS 24 AND 25, CONCESSION VII TOWN OF ERIN, WELLINGTON COUNTY, ONTARIO …
2015 Aerial and Parcel Mapping Retrieved from County of Wellington Interactive Map, Planning Justification Report Ospringe, Town of Erin Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Prepared for Spirit of Pentecost by IBI Group September 9, 2019 October 18 2019 Received…
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN Municipal Livestock Valuator Application The Town of Erin is seeking the services of an individual to be appointed as the Municipal Livestock Valuator that would conduct investigations for the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP) and the Pr…
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN Municipal Livestock Valuator Application The Town of Erin is seeking the services of an individual to be appointed as the Municipal Livestock Valuator that would conduct investigations for the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP) and the Pr…
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN Poundkeeper Application The Town of Erin is seeking the services of an individual to be appointed as the Poundkeeper that shall provide impounding services for livestock at-large. The Poundkeeper carries out the duties assigned under the Pounds Act, 1990…
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN Poundkeeper Application The Town of Erin is seeking the services of an individual to be appointed as the Poundkeeper that shall provide impounding services for livestock at-large. The Poundkeeper carries out the duties assigned under the Pounds Act, 1990…
#ì rfrF* -.¡ lmnl w THE coRpoRATroN oFTHE couNTy or wErLrNGTor (jffi "tffi+. BY-IAW NUMBER 5I I5.09 A byJow respecting the Conservotion ond Sustoinoble Use of Woodlonds ond lo repeol byJow number 5090-09. WHEREAS subsection 1 35(2) of the M unicþ ol Ac| 200 l, 5.O. 200 1, c. 25, os omended, ("the…
TOWN OF ERIN Committee of Adjustment AGENDA May 17, 2023 6:00 PM Municipal Council Chambers Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 4. Requests for Withdrawal or Deferral of Applications 5. Notices A11-23 5112 Fifth Line 1 – 4 A12-2…
'2. Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting January 19,2016 6:30 pm Municipal Council Ghamber RESENT Allan Alls Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan ENT: John Brennan TAFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Sharon Marshall Larry Wheeler Robyn Mulder Carol House Mayor Councillor Councill…
Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting February 3, 2015 1:00 PM Municipal Council Chamber PRESENT: Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor STAFF PRESENT: Kathryn Ironmonger Dina Lundy Andrew Ha…