1651 items were found that matched '1'.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Retire with Confidence! Guelph, ON – November 1, 2018 – ‘Retire with Confidence’ is an info series of free sessions with the goal of providing resources to adults 55+ as they plan for or enter retirement. This is an ideal time to introduce connections and inform…
Nomination Form – To be submitted by February 28, 2019. Nominee’s Name: Address Email Phone Group/Business Affiliations Shamrock Award of Merit: (7 being chosen) Citizen of the Year: (1 being chosen) Nominee Information Description of Contribution Erin Volunteer Recognition Awards Sham…
Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish – Effective January 1, 2014 Page 4 of 4 Schedule 2: Sewage System Installer Information A. Project Information Building number, street name Unit number Lot/con. Municipality Postal code Plan number/ other description B. Sewage system installer…
! " # $ % & & & ’ ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 0 3 4 5 0 6 7 8 9 : 3 ;…
F ERIN 5684 Trafalgar Rd., R.R. Hillsburgh, Ontario NOB 120 www.eftn.ca aalN-Qt! TÛWN OF ERIN TREI\SUTIER'S STATEMENT REMUNERATION ANÐ EXPENSES PAID TO EACII MEMBER CIF COUNCIL OR LOCAL BOARD tN 2009. Pursuant to the Municipal Act,2001 c.2S Siection 254 (1) Renrunr=ration Expenses Director of F…
TOWN F 5684 Trafalgar Rd., R.R. î229-Mar-1 1 Hillsburgh, Ontario NOB 120 wwwefln.ca COUNCIL Rod Finnie Kenneth Chapman Barbara Tocher John Brennan Josie Wintersinger Deborah Callaghan Lou Maieron Totals COMM. OF ADJUSTMENT Wayne Parkinson Jeffrey Duncan Totals LIVESTOCK EVALUATORS/ FENCEVIEWERS Nei…
The Corporation of the Town of Erin Roads Department Equipment Operator (Temporary) The Town of Erin Roads Department requires Equipment Operators from November 1 st 2021 until April 15 th 2022. Duties include, but are not limited to, performing the day-to-day general operations of th…
The Corporation of the Town of Erin Roads Department Equipment Operator (Temporary) The Town of Erin Roads Department requires Equipment Operators from November 1 st 2021 until April 15 th 2022. Duties include, but are not limited to, performing the day-to-day general operations of th…
Ontario@ Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Candidate - Form 4 Municipat Elections Act, 1996 (Section 88.25) lnstructions All candidates must complete Boxes A and B. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses must complete Boxes C, D, Sche…
www.erin.ca Construction Liaison Group Meeting July 11, 2023 Town of Erin Nick Colucci, P.Eng. Director of Infrastructure Services and Engineer www.erin.ca - Signage and Parking - Downtown Banners - Community Outreach - Construction Update - Hillsburgh Gravity Sewer - Erin Village Gravity Sewer - O…