
1651 items were found that matched '1'.

OA Poster 20161027 EWFHT Erin.pdf

S   RE Ca or  On STAY T Prese E GISTER ll: 519‐8 nline: w Cost is ACTI H Thursd ented b Adva On East W E R TODAY 833‐757 www.ew s FREE IVE: Health ay Oct by: Sus anced Cli T Offere Ontario Wellin rin: 6 Y! (THER 76 ext 3   E but sp Knee h Edu tober san Ma inician Pr he Arth red ons o Te…

POLICY hands free devicesdoc.pdf

POLICY HAND-HELD WIRELESS DEVICES November 2009 In order to promote safe driving, Town of Erin employees who are using Town owned vehicles shall: - Limi…

Understanding Managing Your Diabetes 2018- 19.pdf

East Wellington Community Diabetes Program Understanding & Managing Your Diabetes This two-part series is designed to support you with understanding and managing your Diabetes. Topics to be discussed:  Understanding blood sugars and medications  Healthy eating principles for diabet…

Understanding Managing Your Diabetes 2019.pdf

East Wellington Community Diabetes Program Understanding & Managing Your Diabetes This two-part series is designed to support you with understanding and managing your Diabetes. Topics to be discussed:  Understanding blood sugars and medications  Healthy eating principles for diabet…

Understanding Pre-Diabetes 2019.pdf

East Wellington Community Diabetes Program Understanding Pre-Diabetes Have you been told your sugars are a touch high? Reduce your risk of developing diabetes through healthier eating and active living. You can change your future by attending this session!  Learn about your risk fa…

VON Falls Prevention - dec 2019 pdf.pdf

Stay Strong, Live Long Rachel Hammond, Kinesiologist Presents! Falls Prevention Workshop A FREE education class on healthy aging, prevention of chronic illnesses, and promotion of independent living. The Legend of the Fall & Chronic Illnesses Strong Muscles, Solid Bones & Aches abou…

WWCF Workshop for Small Businesses.pdf

1/lellin ton-Vletorloo Communily utûrgg $prçr¡l¡¡rrq i sdsl [l!írs l:!,rrr! & frÊrgñ¡ New Workshop Where Does lt All Go? The Adventures of Small Business Bookkeeping Thursday, January 1 4th, 201 6 9:30 am to 12 noon Workshop fee $45 (For those not enrolled in the Business Excellence Training Program…

Service Ontario's Requirements Respecting Marriage in Ontario.pdf

Requirements Respecting Marriage in Ontario Offi ce of the Registrar General Who may marry Any person who is at least 18 years of age may marry. No person under 16 years of age may marry. Any person who is 16 or 17 years of age (other than a widowed or divorced person) may marry with the written c…

Tree Inventory Drawing-TP-1 UPDATE.pdf

The Urban Arborist Inc. P.O. Box 74525 Humbertown Centre Etobicoke, ON M9A 5E2 EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE #1232 #1233 #1234 #1235 #1236 HEDGE Group #1 Group #2 Group #4 Group #5 #1237 #1238 #1239 #1240 #1241 #1242 #1243 #1245 #1246 #1247 #1248 #1249 #1250 #1251 #1252 #1253 #125…

21-42 Civil Marriage Solemnization Authorization.pdf

a1rr.Js(tr lfr* THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN BY.LAW #21 .42 Being a By-Law to authorize the Civil Marriage Solemnization Service in the Town.of Erin And to repeal By-Law # 13-29 Whereas Ontario Regulation 285104 provides for the authorization of the Clerk to solemnize marriages with the aut…