In Ontario cannabis can be purchased legally online and from authorized retail stores. The Town of Erin has an opportunity to opt-in and allow the legal retail sales of cannabis and would like to get your feedback. Do you support or oppose the Town of Erin allowing cannabis retail stores in Erin? * Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Undecided If you were to use cannabis, how would you prefer to obtain it? * Authorized retailer Online from a licensed producer Grow my own Other Don't use/Not applicable What is the main reason you use cannabis? * Medical use Non-medical use Both medical use and non-medical use Prefer not to say Not applicable If you prefer to purchase cannabis products from a legal source, were you able to do so? * No (Proceed to next question) Yes (Skip next question) Not applicable What was the main reason that you were not able to obtain or purchase it legally? I was not sure where to obtain it There are no retail outlets near me The type of cannabis I wanted was not available or not legal yet Other Not applicable What is your gender? Female Male Other Prefer not to say What is your age? * Under 19 19 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+ Prefer not to say Please enter your postal code. * Consent for storing submitted data * Yes, I give permission to store and process my data No, I don't consent to storing and processing my data