1651 items were found that matched '1'.
..' Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting October 6,2015 1:00 pm Municipal Council Chamber PRESENT Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan TAFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Sharon Marshall Larry Wheeler Harold Knox Joe Babin Mayor Councillor Gouncillor Counc…
Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting November 3,2015 l:00 PM Municipal Gouncil Ghamber RESENT Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan AFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Larry Wheeler Andrew Hartholt Bob Cheetham Mayor Gouncillor Councillor Councillor Councill…
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service and Use of Assistive Devices.pdf
PURPOSE The Town of Erin is committed to being responsive to the needs of all its residents. To do this, we must recognize the diverse needs of all of our residents and respond by striving to provide services and facilities that are accessible to all. As an employer, and a provider of services,…
/L CBNil STMARYS Canada Building Materials Company A division of St. Marys Cement lnc. (Canada) 55 lndustrial Street Toronto. Ontårio M4G 3W9 Tel.: 41 6-423-1 300 Hillsburgh Objection Response Town of Erin 5684 Trafalgar Rd Hillsburgh, ON April9,2015 Dear Mayor Alls Following the Public Meeting held…
REPORT OF THE INTEGRITY COMMISSIONER TOWN OF ERIN coMPLATNT EtC0704t3 (July 4,2OL3l John E. Craig I ntegrity Com missioner Novem be r 27 , 2OL3 L. THE CODE OF ETHICS COMPI.AINT A complaint dated july 4, 2013 was received from Councillor Josie Wintersinger alleging that Mayor Lou Maieron had viol…
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan - 2020-2021 Annual Progess Report.pdf
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan – 2020-2021 Annual Progress Report Commitment The Town of Erin is committed to recognizing the diverse needs of its residents, being responsive to those needs, and striving to provide services and facilities…
Corporation Of The Town Of Erin Personal Information Protection Policy Purpose: This Policy governs the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information by the Town of Erin from and about Committee Members, Program Participants, and Employees of the Town of Erin or from other individ…
Build or buy a tiny home Ontario Building Code Information ontario.ca/housinginnovation An innovation guide under More Homes, More Choice: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan Introduction Are you thinking about having a tiny home on your property? Not only are they a great way to save on housi…
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service and Use of Assistive Devices.pdf
This document is available in alternate formats upon request. Purpose The Town of Erin is committed to being responsive to the needs of all its residents. To do this, we must recognize the diverse needs of all of our residents and respond by striving to provide services and facilities that…
More of. Less of. Same of. A Future Ready Erin ISRAR AHMAD & JORDAN GONDA A F UT UR E R E A DY E RI N Primary purpose of today’s town hall Have a collaborative dialogue with you on Erin’s infrastructure services and get feedback on your experiences and expectations Feedback will be used to help Tow…