
1651 items were found that matched '1'.

April 13-2016 minutes and presentation.pdf

ERIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (EEDC) Minutes of the April 13, 2016 Meeting 7:00-9:00pm Town of Erin – George Root Conference Room Attending: Maria Britto (Chair), Jamie Cheyne (Vice Chair), Keith McKinnon, David Spencer, Dave Doan, Ex-Officio: Mayor Allan Alls, Councillor Rob Smith,, …

Aug 10 Agenda.pdf

ERIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (EEDC) MEETING AGENDA Wednesday August 10, 2016 6:45pm-8.15pm Town of Erin - George Root Conference Room 1. 6.45pm: Opening Welcome – Chair Maria Britto 2. 6.55pm: Approval of the Agenda 3. 6.56pm: Declaration of Conflict and Interest Therein 4.…

CCT presents the Games Afoot.pdf

Century Chu rch Theatre fentuqdheetle t"¿l¿ *"1q","0*'Tr-*+.*t*," Greg Allen Pat Ball Rebecca Castelino Lindsey Grisebach John Lefebvre Chris MacKay Michelle Salmon Brigida Scholten 727 Road, Hillsburgh. I S or HOlmeS for the Holi 0 Action, shocks and surPrises in t…

Cooking Class Poster Nov pdf.pdf

Cooking Classes This class is designed to help increase your confidence and motivation to cook healthy, balanced meals at home. Join our Registered Dietitian as she prepares a healthy meal, provides practical cooking tips and answers your questions along the way! Each class will fe…

Feb 9 Agenda.pdf

ERIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (EEDC) MEETING AGENDA Tuesday Feb 9, 2016, 7:00pm-9:00pm Town of Erin - George Root Conference Room 1. Opening Welcome – Chair Maria Britto 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Declaration of Conflict and Interest Therein 4. Adoption of the Minutes of the Jan…

Notice of Completion Extension Dec 22 2016.pdf

TOWN OF ERIN 5684 Trafalgar Rd. Telephone: (519) 855-4407 Hillsburgh, ON N0B 1Z0 Fax: (519) 855-4281 Toll Free: 1-877-818-2888 …

Oct 12 Agenda.pdf

ERIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (EEDC) MEETING AGENDA Wednesday October 12, 2016 6:45pm-8.15pm Town of Erin - George Root Conference Room 1. 6.45pm: Opening Welcome – Chair Maria Britto 2. 6.55pm: Approval of the Agenda 3. 6.56pm: Declaration of Conflict and Interest Therein 4…


Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am First Tuesday of every month starting September 5, 2017 Held simultaneously via Telemedicine at: St. Joseph’s Health Centre, 100 Westmount Rd. Guelph Room 2-517 (Main Floor) Mount Forest Family Health Team, 525 Dublin St, Mt. Forest Minto-Mapleton FHT, Minto Rural…

2. DRAFT Official Plan Amendment.pdf

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. __ Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to amend the Town of Erin Official Plan to change the land use designation of the lands shown on Schedule ‘A’. Location: The lands subject to this amendment…

Combined DCs Erin Wellington Education Effective Jan1-21.pdf

Town of Erin Town Wide Services 18,238 $ 18,238 $ $7.95 $7.95 Municipal Water Supply Services 6,074 $ - $ $2.05 $0.00 Municipal Waste Water Services 14,155 $ - $ $4.78 $0.00 Sub Total 38,466 $ 18,238 $ …