
1651 items were found that matched '1'.

Designation by Municipal By-law S.29.pdf

DESIGNATION BY MUNICIPAL BY-LAW (Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act) Designation Proposed Consultation with Heritage Committee Notice of Intention to Designate: 1. Served on property owner 2. Served on OHT 3. Publish in Newspaper Council Decision: Proceed with formal Designation? YES Objectio…

23T-19001 SWM Report Dec'22'21.pdf

Preliminary Stormwater Management Report Ospringe Development, Wellington County Prepared for Spirit of Pentecost by IBI Group December 22, 2021 IBI GROUP PRELIMINARY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT OSPRINGE DEVELOPMENT, WELLINGTON COUNTY Prepared for Spirit of Pentecost Document Con…

2010 Erin summary report.pdf

SUMMARY REPORT TOWN OF ERIN ERIN WELL SUPPLY DRINKING –WATER SYSTEM NO. 220000013 Certificate of Approval No. 0106-7DKQP2 Certificate of Approval No. PB220000013RR-01 Certificate of Approval No. 4010-7ZDRJE Municipal Drinking Water License Number 102-101 Drinking Water Works Permit Num…

01 20 2015 Agenda Package - Special Closed - Solicitor Advice SSMP EA.pdf

​TOWN OF ERIN Special Council Meeting AGENDA January 20, 2015 6:00 PM Municipal Council Chamber Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3. Closed Session Matters under the following exemptions in the Municipal Act S. 239 (2) : (f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client p…

02 26 2016 Agenda Package - Special - Closed Session.pdf

​TOWN OF ERIN Special Council Meeting AGENDA February 26, 2016 11:00 AM Municipal Council Chamber Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3. Closed Session Matters under the following exemptions in the Municipal Act S. 239 (2) : (b) personal matters about an identifiable indi…

Canada 150 Mayor's Levee 2017 with Al.pdf

T T O O C C E E L L E E B B R R A A T T E E 2 2 0 0 1 1 7 7 Y Yo ou u’ ’r re e I In nv vi it te ed d t to o t th he e S S u u n n d d a a y y J J a a n n u u a a r r y y 1 1 s s t t F F r r e e e e F F a a m m i i l l y y S S k k a a t t i i n…

Erin Legion New Years Levee.pdf

CS to fan 1" I a ,Raffle ffi New Year's Day Levee ffi Afternoon Roast Beef Luncheon $8.50 Celebration begins at 12200 pm Mayor Allan AlIs to Visit at 1:00 pm A Welcome to the New Year & aBlessingby our Chaplin, Irene Walback. Featufing Julie Irvine & IeffAul andJoe Manqrso Fine Otd Rockers

5525 8th line - TIS FINAL - RVAnderson - 20231005.pdf

Prepared for: Empire Erin Eighth Line Residential Subdivision Development Traffic Impact Study Revised Final October 5, 2023 EC (Erin) GP Inc. Empire Erin Eighth Line Residential Subdivision Development Traffic Impact Study Revised Final EC (Erin) GP Inc. This document is protected by copyright and…

170428 - NWC - Office Hours Content.pdf NESTLÉ WATERS CANADA COMMUNITY OFFICE HOURS We believe it is important to work together with our community neighbours, sharing information to make the right decisions about our collective water future. Connect with Andreanne Simard, Natural Resource Manager at one of Nestl…

23T-21002, OP21-01, Z21-09 Cover Letter_Town.pdf

August 3, 2022 Town of Erin Planning Department 5684 Trafalgar Road Hillsburgh, Ontario N0B 1Z0 ATTN: Ms. Tanjot Bal Senior Planner Re: Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Hillsburgh Heights Inc. 5916 Trafalgar Road Nor…