
1651 items were found that matched '1'.

23T-21002, OP21-01, Z21-09 Tree Inventory Protection Plan_revised.pdf

Tree Inventory, Protection & Removal Plan Prepared for: Hillsburgh Heights Inc. Site: 5916 Trafalgar Road North, Hillsburgh, Erin Ontario Prepared By: The Urban Arborist Inc. PO BOX #74525 Humbertown Centre, Etobicoke Ontario M9A 3A8 Tel: 416.833.6467 ISA Certifed Arborist-…

2022_Summary Report_Schedule 22_Erin DWS.pdf

For the period of January 1 st , 2022 to December 31 st , 2022 Prepared for the Corporation of the Town of Erin by the Ontario Clean Water Agency 2022 SCHEDULE 22 SUMMARY REPORT ERIN DRINKING WATER…

06 16 2015 Scanned Mtg Agenda.pdf

TO\fvN OF ERIN Regular Council Meeting AGENDA June 16, 2015 7:30 PM Municipal Council Chamber 1. Callto Order 2. Approvalof {genda 3. Declaration Pecuniary lnterest 4. GommunityAnnouncements 5. Adoption of Minutes 5.1 June 2, 2015 Regular Meeting 6. Business Arising from the Minutes 7. Accounts 8.…

Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan (CDM) 2014.pdf

TOWN OF ERIN Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan (CDM) Here at the Town of Erin there is a recipe to develop and implement a successful energy conservation and demand management plan in 2014. The recipe will require at the outset equal parts initiative, vision, structure, commitment, and t…

Attatched Drawings.pdf

GENERAL INFORMATION Piers: Shall be not less than 8” (203mm) in diameter. Under most circumstances it may be preferable to expand the lower portion of a smaller pier to achieve the required bearing area rather than use a larger pier. Refer to the table below for minimum footing sizes. Values in ta…

Z22-06 + Z22-07 - Notice of Complete Apps.pdf

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ERIN NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATIONS Files: Z22-06 and Z22-07 Two Applications for approval of Zoning By-law Amendments have been submitted by Coscorp and Mattamy Homes, for lands located on the east side of Eighth Line, south of Sideroad 17, municipally kno…

Z21-09 FSR.pdf

FUNCTIONAL SERVICING REPORT HILLSBURGH HEIGHTS INC PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION 5916 Trafalgar Road Hillsburgh Urban Area Town of Erin County of Wellington February 15, 2023 (3 rd submission) CANDEVCON LIMITED …

10-50 Provision of Notice.pdf

"'l TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE TOWN OF'ERIN BY-LAW#10-50 Being a By-Law to prescribe the form and ma¡urer and times for the provision ofnotice. WHEREAS Section 270(1) of the Municipal Act,2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, makes provision in part, that Municipalities adopt and maintain policies for circumstances…

2016 Hillsburgh Well Supply Summary Report Signed Copy.pdf

SUMMARYREPORT TOWN OF ERIN HILLSBURGH WELL SUPPLY DRINKING _WATER SYSTEM NO. 220007285 Municipal Drinking Water License Number 102-102 Drinking \ilater \ilorks Permit Number 102-202 PTT\il # 63O6.8X5KRY PTTW # 8548.6SBGWC PTT\il # 774O.A9ZNTP Submitted by: Joe Babin Water Superintendent () Signatu…

Z21-09 Hydrogeological Report.pdf

HYDROGEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED BRIARWOOD HILLSBURGH DEVELOPMENT 5916 Trafalgar Road North, Town of Erin, Ontario Prepared for: Hillsburgh Heights Inc. 636 Edward Avenue, Suite 14 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 0V4 Prepared by: 2179 Dunwin Drive, Unit 4…