
1651 items were found that matched '1'.

Nov 19_2020 Budget presentation.pdf

1 st Draft 2020 Budget November 19, 2019 1 & 2021 TO 2023 FORECASTS Agenda • Budget Timetable & Process • 1 st Draft 2020 Base Budget and 2021-2023 Forecasts • Resource Requests • Capital Requests • Tax Trends and Financial Comparators 2 2020 Budget Timetable 3 Tuesday, September 17, 2019 6:30pm Pro…

2020 Hillsburgh Summary Report.pdf


Running for Council Workshop Poster.pdf

W H O S H O U L D A T T E N D ? • P o t e n t i a l C a n d i d a t e s • S p o u s e o r P a r t n e r • A n y o n e i n t e r e s t e d i n l e a r n i n g m o r e a b o u t l o c a l g o v e r n m e n t N O R E G I S T R A T I O N I S R E Q U I R E D , A L L A R E W E L C O M E . * D e p e n d i…

09 13 2016 Agenda Package - Regular-compressed.pdf

TOWN OF ERIN Regular Council Meeting AGENDA September 13, 2016 3:00 PM Municipal Council Chamber Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Declaration Pecuniary Interest 4. Community Announcements 4.1 Hillsburgh Heritage Walking Trail 1 - 2 5. Adoption of Minutes 3 - 15 August 09, 2016 Regul…

02 16 2016 - Special - Public Budget Meeting.pdf

1:. Minutes of the Town of Erin Special Gouncil Meeting February 16,2016 5:00 PM Municipal Council Ghamber RESENT: Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan AFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Sharon Marshall Larry Wheeler Graham Smith Joe Babin Robyn Mulder Carol House Dave K…

07 12 2016 Regular Council Meeting.pdf

-.:,7 Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting July 12,2016 6:30 PM Municipal Council Chamber S ff Present: 4. Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan Dina Lundy Ursula D'Angelo Trish Crawford Robyn Mulder Greg Delfosse Larry Wheeler Joe Babin Jessica Wilton Mayor Counci…

08 11 2015 Regular Meeting.pdf

-,t,7i Minutes of the Regular Town of Erin Council Meeting August 11,2015 7:30 pm Municipal Gouncil Ghamber PRESENT Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan TAFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Larry Wheeler Larry Van Wyck Dan Gallaghan Bob Gheetham Mayor Councillor Councillo…

10 13 2015 Special Meeting - solicior advice OP EAs Solar Lease and Madison Lakes.pdf

Minutes of the Town of Erin Special Council Meeting October 13,2015 l0:00 a.m. Municipal Gouncil Chamber PRESENT: Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan STAFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Sharon Marshall Bob Gheetham Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor CAO/…

11 08 2016 - Special Council Meeting - Wastewater EA.pdf

Minutes of the Town of Erin Special Gouncil Meeting November 8, 2016 4:00 p.m. Municipal Council Chamber PRESENT STAFF PRESENT: Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan Derek McGaughan Dina Lundy Trish Grawford Robyn Mulder Joe Babin Mayor Councillor Councillor Gouncillor Councillor…

12 15 2015 Special Meeting - Capital Budget.pdf

1:. Minutes of the Town of Erin Special Gouncil Meeting December 15,2015 4:00 p.m. Municipal Council Chamber ENT Allan Alls John Brennan Matt Sammut Rob Smith Jeff Duncan TAFF PRESENT: Kathryn lronmonger Dina Lundy Sharon Marshall Larry Wheeler Dan Callaghan Graham Smith Joe Babin Robyn Mulder Mayor…