Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Application Form Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Application Form Consent for storing submitted data * Yes, I give permission to store and process my data No, I don't consent to storing and processing my data Name * Property Address (Including postal code) * E-mail Phone Number * Are you at least 18 years old? (check this box to confirm) * I hereby authorize the release of the personal information contained in my application to Council, the County of Wellington and appropriate staff (Check this box to confirm) * I hereby authorize that my name may be made public for committee purposes (Check this box to confirm) Why would you like to participate on this Committee? * Please describe your skills, knowledge and experience (lived experience, work related, community service oriented, or other volunteer activities) you could contribute as a member of this Committee * If you have a disability or connection to someone with a disability please explain the type of disability and how your experience will benefit the Committee * The Committee typically meets 3-4 times per year during business hours (1:30 PM), please confirm your availability to attend meetings by checking this box * Optional: you are invited to upload a copy of your resume to provide any additional information about your experience